This May Be the Last Entry...
But you have to understand how pissed off I was.
I spent about six hours one day, traveling in stupid loops, not knowing if I had access to my youtube channel or not.
And I didn't have access, so, there I was, knee deep in that loop again.
Name and password(I would put in my user name and password) and it wuld come back and say, there is no account here.
would I like to start an account or have I forgotten my account name or password.
Well, as it turns out, I often change my password in some places, so, I went back to the part where I might be incompetent, and maybe I forgot. Which, in the end, turned out to not be the case. I looked at my cheat sheet which I keep under a pillow in the dog's sleeping room.
I figure if anyone can go through this...
They pretty much deserve my passwords...
Anyway, then I had to decipher the weirdo twisty word thingie...word verification, which used to be used to keep away spammers, but, now doesn't work because the Chinese have figured out that they have a billion people who don't mind working for 3 cents a day and they just sit there all day typing in verifications...
And then go to my e-mail.
There would be three choices...
#1 Play with my cookies.
#2 change my password
#3 if all else failed contact them through some form letter and do NOT reply to the e-mail.
I played with the cookies, but, everything was as they wanted it set, already.
and then i went out and tried to access my account.
Nothing...Same dead end place I started from. I thought maybe I had to restart the computer. I did.
I made a Peanut Butter, and Jelly sandwich, a glass of milk and a cup of coffee.
We're back on.
Go check, DANG!
So, I go to change password.
Now, the very question is derogatory, to be sure.
Have you forgotten your user name or have you forgotten your password?
But I'll play the game.
I start with "password"...
and, just as before, and just as ANYTIME you begin a task, word verification.
I do it, it sends me to a place where I can change my password.
I look at the number of dots there and realize that it's the same old password I've been using, and it is strong, so, I use it again.
Comes back a form statement that says my new password has been sent to my e-mail...
and that's all, brother.
Most times there was nothing, sometimes there was something, but in any case, I would go to my account, try to check in and "access denied".
So I go back to the original e-mail and choose "forgot my name".
(do I look like I have amnesia?)
And ....word verification.
You know...the first few times I was calm. After a couple of hours, I'm punching the keys enough to make Sean Connery happy (Finding Forrester, along with Rob Brown, and F. Murray Abrahms...good movie. I'de recommend it to ant aspiring writer)
I type in my address and it comes back and says "That address is taken"...'s my address...what's the dealio?
I type it again...
It would lead me to poking in the original address (which somehow i got into the system without the usual @ sign in front of it.) but then, I would restart the computer, go make another sandwich, this time with banana coins on it, too.
Computer's back, go to youtube....
"No access"
Now the force with which I'm typing could have hurt a grown man.
Well, at least it would have busted an egg.
I'm pissed, I've gone through that loop with every variation I can think of, and still, every time the computer starts back up, no access, and now, I'm fifteen pounds heavier from all the PB'n'J sandwiches I've eaten.
So I stop, write a letter back to where I'm not supposed to write a letter back to, and go to bed.
Next morning, I've forgotten the big storm with youtube, I check my e-mails, I get a cup of coffee...
Things are wunderbar.
I'm a happy dog licking a baby's face, I smell flowers, I hear birds singing...I have some recollection of wanting to put more art videos in you tube...I go there, click in my name and password...
and then the loops...
and soon enough I'm back to...
But then, after some research, I find that I'm not the only one suffering at the hand of these two big machines (google and youtube are virtually the same)
Turns out there are dozens of horror stories going on.
People leaving comments that don't stay.
People losing their entire blog innards, some getting them back, some just not trying hard enough...
Blogs and channels that can't be accessed...
and it dawns on me...
Or some other system crunching monster wandering around inside youtube/google.
So, hey.
Everyone gets a cold, matter how big they are.
I wish I had my channel back, but at this rate I'm thinking it ain't gonna happen.
I did my tricks. I don't know any other way to do it.
Sometime today I'll invent a new e-mail address and go in and start all over...
new channel, new system if i can find one.
A system that isn't so big that small guys like me lose.
Because big guys like them can't offer any kind of service because it IS so big.
...and the flowers are smelling good again...
.all photos thanx to Huffington Post and ihasahotdog